9th Sunday After Pentecost

Here's the Zoom recording of our first in-person service at The Lost Bean!

Please forgive the unbalanced audio quality. For example, songs and emcee are at normal levels, but Ken's mic was too quiet and couldn't be increased any further during the recording.

There is also a segment where I accidentally recorded some Spotify music playing on my PC in the background but wasn't audible in-person.

We're still working out kinks with our new setup, so I promise these will get better!

6th Sunday of Easter

Happy mother's day everyone!

Had several technical difficulties today, so apologies! The first song has frozen video, while the rest of the recording has some missing video angles from our speakers.

Good Friday

Good Friday marks the climactic heart of the Church Year. It is a time in which we remember our Lord’s death on the cross, in all that it says about God and God’s love for us and for the world. Join us for a short service comprised of Scripture, music, confession, and contemplation.