Centering Ourselves on God
At Christ Kaleidoscope, our mission is that the entire Sunday service plays a role in centering our lives around God. In a world where our schedules are dominated by school and work, Sunday service is a weekly reminder to be drawn back into a relationship with God. To help order ourselves around his good purposes, we follow a liturgy, or order of service. It is participatory, inviting us into spiritual disciplines that train us for response to God's grace.
Worship through Music and scripture
Every Sunday, we begin with a call to worship, a time to make ourselves present to the God who makes himself present to us. We praise him through song and make ourselves ready to receive what God has to say to us.
Silence and confession
Because of grace, confession is a gift that helps us realign ourselves with God's good intentions for us. We practice silence and tend to God's still small voice, looking for blind spots that we've overlooked in the busyness of everyday life.
An invitation to the table and a blessing
The high point of the service, communion is a gathering around the bread and cup, a celebration of thanksgiving. We remember the work of our God and we receive his good blessing as we go back into the world.
Sundays | Las Lomas Community Center | 4:00 P.M.
10 Federation Way, Irvine, CA 92603